We have over 650+ Raja Yoga meditation classes available in video format, and these videos are hosted on a playlist on YouTube. The videos are 10-minute classes conducted in Tamil and are designed to help individuals achieve inner peace, self-realization, and mindfulness through the practice of Raja Yoga meditation.
The video format can be beneficial for individuals who prefer to have a visual guide while practicing meditation, as it can provide a structured approach to their meditation practice. By following along with the videos, individuals can learn techniques for focusing their minds and attaining a deeper sense of relaxation and inner peace.
The fact that the videos are available on YouTube makes them easily accessible to a wide audience, and individuals can watch them at their own pace and convenience. Additionally, YouTube's search and recommendation algorithms can help people discover your videos and make it easier for them to find the classes that best suit their needs.
Overall, by offering Raja Yoga meditation classes in video format on YouTube, you are providing individuals with a convenient and accessible way to start their journey into Raja Yoga meditation, and helping them to experience the many benefits of this practice.
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Who am I? | நான் யார்? | Raja Yoga Series #01 | 19 Jun 2016

Who am I? | நான் யார்? | Raja Yoga Series #01 | 19 Jun 2016

Faculties of the Soul | ஆத்மாவின் அங்கங்கள் | Raja Yoga Series #02 | 20 Jun 2016

What is Mind? | மனம் என்றால் என்ன? | Raja Yoga Series #03 | 09 Jun 2016

3 Worlds | மூன்று உலகங்கள் | Raja Yoga Series #04 | 24 Jun 2016
Index in both Ascending and Descending order are given below for easy access.