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Raja Yoga Meditation Vani in Tamil - Podcast

Raja Yoga Meditation is a powerful tool for spiritual growth, and this podcast in Tamil is an excellent resource for anyone seeking to deepen their practice. The discussions, led by Paramathma, focus on "vani points" which offer guidance and support for those on the path of Raja Yoga Meditation. Paramathma, who is known as the "father of all souls," emphasizes the importance of connecting with the Supreme Soul to achieve inner peace and self-realization.


Listeners will find that these teachings are not tied to any particular religious tradition but rather focus on universal spiritual principles. Through the practice of Raja Yoga Meditation and by following the guidance offered in these discussions, individuals can cultivate greater mindfulness, achieve inner peace, and move closer to their spiritual goals. Whether you are new to meditation or a seasoned practitioner, this podcast offers valuable insights and practical advice to help you on your spiritual journey.

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This website is to share my experience with Raja Yoga Meditation, Bed Time Stories. Vedic Astrology, Maths and my life experience to my brothers and sisters world wide who can understand Tamil.


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