A man is born, and with him comes
The seed of care for what's to come.
He lives his life in constant thought
Of how the world sees him, as he ought.
He spends his days in search of praise,
And strives to avoid the world's malaise.
He fears the judgment of his peers,
And longs to hear their cheers.

But when his time on earth is done,
And he's no longer under the sun,
The world will say with mournful sighs,
"A good man's gone, who once did rise."
And yet, he'll never hear those words,
For he's no longer here to observe.
He spent his life in search of fame,
But now, he's nothing but a name.
So let us learn from this man's fate,
And strive to be compassionate,
To live our lives with purpose true,
And always do what's right to do.
For in the end, it's not the fame,
But how we treat others, that's our claim
To a life well-lived, a legacy true,
A testament to the good we do.
The poet's description of the average human being emphasizes the importance of one's perception of oneself and how it relates to the opinions of others. The poem suggests that people are born with a natural inclination to care about what others think of them, and this concern for their image continues throughout their lives. However, when they pass away, their ability to hear and respond to feedback from others is lost.
This idea raises the question of whether it is healthy or productive to constantly worry about the opinions of others. The poet seems to suggest that it is not, as people should focus on living their lives in a way that aligns with their own values and principles. Instead of seeking validation or approval from others, individuals should strive to be kind and compassionate towards others, avoiding causing harm with their thoughts, words, and actions.
The poet's message highlights the power of thoughts in shaping one's life. Our thoughts can either propel us forward or hold us back, and our ability to control them is crucial in achieving our goals and living a fulfilling life. By regularly checking in with ourselves and ensuring that our thoughts are aligned with our desired outcomes, we can create the future we want for ourselves.
In conclusion, the poet's description of the average human being serves as a reminder that our actions and thoughts have consequences, both for ourselves and others. By living our lives with integrity and kindness, we can create a positive impact on the world around us, regardless of the opinions of others.