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  • Writer's picturePremanandhan Narayanan

The Concept of Heaven and Hell and How to Experience Heaven on Earth

The concept of heaven and hell is often associated with the afterlife or a supernatural realm beyond our physical world. We can experience heaven and hell in our present lives, based on our thoughts, words, and actions.

To experience heaven on earth, we need to cultivate a positive and compassionate mindset. This means being kind, considerate, and empathetic towards others, and avoiding any actions that may harm them. When we act in ways that benefit others, we create a sense of joy and contentment within ourselves, which is akin to experiencing heaven.

On the other hand, when we act in ways that hurt others, we create negative emotions within ourselves, such as guilt, shame, or anger. This negative state of mind can be likened to experiencing hell.

Therefore, to experience heaven on earth, we need to be mindful of our thoughts, words, and actions, and strive to act in ways that promote happiness and well-being for ourselves and others. This can involve simple acts of kindness, such as helping a stranger in need, being patient with a difficult colleague, or expressing gratitude for the good things in our lives.

In summary, the key to experiencing heaven on earth lies in cultivating a positive and compassionate mindset, and acting in ways that promote happiness and well-being for ourselves and others. By doing so, we can create a sense of joy and contentment within ourselves, which is the closest thing we have to heaven on earth.

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This website is to share my experience with Raja Yoga Meditation, Bed Time Stories. Vedic Astrology, Maths and my life experience to my brothers and sisters world wide who can understand Tamil.


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