Raja Yoga teachings suggest that at the core of our being, we are all souls or Atmas, residing within human bodies. According to this belief system, we are all interconnected as souls, making us brothers and sisters. The ultimate source and father of all souls is referred to as Paramatma, whom different religions may call Shiva, Allah, Jehovah, or God.
Paramatma is believed to establish Dharma, which can be understood as righteousness, moral and ethical principles, and the proper way of living, on Earth. This is accomplished through the entry of noble souls into human bodies. These noble souls are considered divine messengers who bring forth specific teachings and establish religious or spiritual traditions.
For example, in the context of Sanatana Dharma (commonly known as Hinduism), it is believed that Paramatma entered the body of Brahma, the creator deity, to establish the foundations of this tradition. This divine intervention is said to have laid the groundwork for the principles and practices followed by adherents of Sanatana Dharma.
Similarly, in Buddhism, it is believed that the soul of Buddha entered the body of Siddhartha Gautama, the historical figure who became known as the Buddha. The teachings and philosophy of Buddhism are attributed to the enlightenment and insights gained by Buddha's soul during his lifetime.
In the case of Christianity, it is believed that the soul of Christ entered the body of Jesus, providing the spiritual guidance and teachings that form the basis of the Christian faith.
According to Raja Yoga teachings, this pattern holds true for all religions and spiritual paths. For example, the installation of the Sanyasi Dharma (the path of renunciation) is attributed to the entry of Adi Shankara, a prominent Hindu saint and philosopher, by the grace of Paramatma.
Overall, Raja Yoga emphasizes the concept of divine intervention and the role of noble souls in establishing and guiding religious and spiritual traditions. It highlights the interconnectedness of all souls and their shared spiritual journey towards self-realization and union with the ultimate reality, which is Paramatma.