Premanandhan Narayanan's Blogs
Embark on a transformative inner journey with Raja Yoga meditation and discover the power of mindfulness and self-realization. Our resources and teachings can help you cultivate inner peace and unlock your true potential. Join us on this journey of self-discovery and experience the joy and fulfillment of a deeper connection with your inner self.
Finding Solutions to Life's Challenges through Prayer and Meditation
Pursuing Purity: Differences and Similarities between Raja Yoga Meditation and Sadhu's Teaching
The Soul's Connection to Life on Earth: Understanding the Meaning and Purpose of Existence.
Having God as a Friend: Cultivating Divine Qualities for a More Fulfilling Life
Russia-Ukraine Conflict and the Potential for World War 3: A Call to Action for Raja Yogis
Destiny vs. Free Will: Finding a Balance for a Fulfilling Life
Why Raja Yoga Meditation Has Fewer Followers Compared to Other Religions
Exploring the Differences between Shivachariya and Shankaracharya: A Spiritual Perspective
Overcoming the Five Vices in Raja Yoga Meditation
The Feasibility of Finding a Person in Their Next Birth
The Spiritual Journey of a Raja Yogi: Why They Do Not Visit Temples
Understanding Anesthesia and its Effects on the Soul during Surgery in Raja Yoga Meditation
The Spiritual Significance of Shiva Jayanti and Krishna Jayanti in Raja Yoga Meditation
Swami Thinkathathom, Ayyappa Thinkathathom: The Meaning and Significance Behind the Slogan
Understanding the Role of God and Maya in Raja Yoga Meditation
Raja Yoga Meditation and the Promise of Heaven on Earth: Can Atheists Reach Sathya & Thretha Yug
The principles of Raja Yoga: Self-discipline, meditation, and detachment
Pet Ownership and Raja Yoga: Balancing Spiritual Principles and Animal Welfare
Understanding the Raja Yoga Concept of Kalpas and Last Births
The Impact of Technology on Karma: Creating Positive Karma through Google and YouTube Usage